Saturday, March 13, 2010

Let's Start This Again

Yesterday I posted a light blog; probably not how I intend to use this medium. I planned on writing my blog in advance of posting to it to the internet, to give me time to review my thoughts. But, if I review them too much and revise them, they may get watered down and become more like what the world would want my thoughts to be like. Does that make sense? So, let’s back up and start over. Below is what I had originally written as my next post. Some days I may offend, some days you might laugh, some days you might cry. I can be pretty complex sometimes, and many times way too serious. It is not my intent to offend, but I would like to cause some to reflect and to think. Maybe blogging will help me do a better job of that myself. I will likely post some of my poetry on this blog, and some of my songs. As I said from the start, this will be a journey. I welcome those who choose to walk along side of me.

I am writing to everyone. I am writing to no one. I am writing to God. But that’s not true. I speak to God daily. I don’t need to write to Him. So, I’m writing to me, reflecting back to myself the unspoken thoughts of my life. Where do I begin?

I’m 55 and out of work. Our pastor is currently preaching a series on living your dream. I’m not very happy with these sermons. They are causing me to reflect too much, to question the choices I made, recognizing the mistakes I made. But God knew what I would do. My foolishness has been His training ground. My desert time has been His time to allow me to ferment. Once again, He is turning water into wine.

I suppose we should get this out of the way right up front. Immediately, you should recognize that I am a Christian. If not, well I am. I am also a conservative republican, based on a philosophy of personal freedom as opposed to allowing the government to rule over me. I am married and still content after 29 years. If we’re laying it out up front, I am against abortion and gay rights. Homosexuality is a choice, one that our society is making easier every day. As with any sin, it is another area where Satan is deceiving mankind into believing that it is an acceptable way to live. How can it be wrong? It hurts no one. But that is just one more lie tossed out by the father of lies. It hurts God. It hurts families. It hurts me.

Why does it hurt me? Because I recognize it as another soul lost. Another human being led away from the truth, and shrouded in darkness. My daughter says I’m ‘homophobic.’ I’m not fearful of homosexuality, I’m saddened, saddened by the turning of the tide. Battles are being lost, and I’m not even in the fight. I sit on my recliner, watch the news, and shake my head. I tell myself that I’m a ‘prayer warrior,’ helping the Kingdom by praying.

Jesus prayed, but then Jesus moved. He moved the world. He moved man from darkness into light. It wasn’t just the blind that He helped to see, it was all of mankind. Jesus brought truth back into the world. “If you know me, then you know the Father who sent me.” Hard to believe that He wants me to be able to say the same thing. So, let my prayer for the day be, “Lord, point me in the right direction and help me to move.”

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