Sunday, March 14, 2010

fuzzy picture

I have taken on this challenge to force myself to write. Blogging is one of the suggestions for aspiring writers to get in the habit of writing. I guess it is calisthenics for mind and wrist. It is definitely a workout on my wrist. I need to find a new computer table. My keyboard is too high, and my chair is too low. I probably need to buy one of those ergonomic keyboards, if I am going to continue down this path.

Yesterday, I posted a snapshot of where I am today. But, it is a fuzzy picture, and not complete, so please don’t rush to judgment on whether I am someone to like or dislike, someone to listen to or ignore. I believe that God has brought me through quite a lot in my life, and maybe some of the things I’ve experienced would be worthwhile to share. Maybe some of these things, once shared, will help others to realize that they aren’t the only ones who make mistakes, who suffer, who live with guilt and shame, and at times feel alone and helpless. What a blessing to feel all these emotions, or some might say a curse. It is probably a little bit of both. We are blessed, because even in our hurting we live. And, living, we get a glimpse of some goodness that exists in this world. God created this world, and at one time called it “good.” [Here is where I have edited out some rambling into the curse of man. Because I don’t have the credentials of some institution, I will withhold my thoughts, and hopefully your thoughts of “what makes this guy think he knows so much?” I don’t want to preach, at least not yet, or our journey together might end too soon.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am reading, keep it coming...