Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Kayak for sale

There was an ad in the Sunday paper offering a kayak for sale. It read: “KAYAK, TWO MAN, Plastic composite, manuf: Prijon, model: Odyssee. Sea going Kayak with rutter. Call ---- at -----. Ask $995”

I told my wife that I wanted to call the person, and advise them on the spelling error. I imagine the call would go something like this:

“Hello, I’m calling about the kayak that is listed in the paper.”

“Yes?” they respond enthusiastically.

“Well, I wanted to let you know that rudder is spelled r-u-d-d-e-r, not r-u-t-t-e-r. I’m not really interested in the kayak, but I’m an editor and I thought I’d let you know that you had a misspelling in your ad. Oh, and my wife says that you should change the description to say TANDEM rather than TWO MAN, because there are women who also like to paddle. Hope you don’t mind our inputs.”

“Screw you!”


Anyway, the thought of doing it gave us both a laugh, but I'm sure that someone would take offense at my constructive criticism.

It seems to be an older boat that has been replaced by the Excursion model, which is over 81 lbs. This is one of the drawbacks to having a tandem boat, bigger is heavier, especially in plastic. But, if you’re looking for a used boat, check out the ad for yourself.

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