Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Unemployment Extension

Wow, almost a week of silence here. Not doing very good in my journaling. Doesn’t bode well if I am truly called to write. I have been distracted by everything. There is always something else to do. As I sit here typing, I see a lot of clutter on my computer table which I need to clean up. My house is for sale, and I need to keep every room presentable. The other day I cleaned the wood floors, but I still have to replace a board by the front door. My replacement front window arrived, and I still need to find someone to do the work. I would really like to have that done by someone who knows what they’re doing. I spend a large part of the day looking for jobs, writing cover letters, and applying on line. For six months, I wake up, put the cell phone in my pocket, and hope that I get that call offering me employment.

Yesterday, I was surprised by my unemployment check that was $200 less than usual. They don’t warn you when your initial period is up. I had to go down to the unemployment office and file for an extension. You wait in one line, and then another, trying to stay patient because the sign says bad behavior will not be tolerated (and an on-duty police officer with a gun is there to ensure that), and you look at all the others who are out of work, and pray that you find a job before you have to come back and do this again.

Afterwards, I stopped at a local health care/rehab center to fill out an application for a job posting that came through on one of my many on-line trackers. After filling out a book-length application, I found out that the position I was applying for had been filled two months earlier. I did feel a little foolish, but the time did allow me to question whether or not I could work in that type of environment. Am I losing my ability to be compassionate as I get older? If so, Lord change my heart and make it new.

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